Reciprocity Press Mission Statement.
Reciprocity Press publishes and distributes self-driven photo book projects and shares the profits with non-profits doing work aligned with the subject matter of the projects we publish. We believe photography is an important medium that has a history of shedding light on cultural, social, and environmental issues that can help influence cultural perspectives. We believe in finding a balance between creating high-quality, well-designed books that are also affordable. We don't waste money on expensive materials or printing processes that have more to do with the tactile book experience than the actual importance of the subject matter being printed. Keeping cost low via simple design, materials, and printing, we can keep the price point of books affordable and also pass along more money to the organizations we are supporting. We strive to find the middle ground between a DIY zine and the elegant coffee table book. We intend to keep print runs small and realistic in efforts to save money and materials.